IP transition
More and more broadcasters are moving to IP-based infrastructure over traditional SDI. The promise is that the equipment required (IP switches, router etc) are more cost-effective than their SDI equivalent as well as opening up broadcast to a huge amount of industry-standard tools that are used in the IT industry. The problem is that doing reliable real-time media over IP is hard. There is a significant learning curve and a very different methodology used than with SDI.
TSL can help ease the transition to IP by offering a path towards migrating to IP infrastructure while making it compatible with existing control infrastructure. Utilising NMOS, TSL’s multi-award-winning X-Connect takes care of the end-point discovery and media flow subscriptions while presenting it to the new or existing SDI router control system so that the operators can gain familiarity with controlling IP media flows.
X-Connect allows broadcasters to incorporate IP with a lower cost of entry with their existing router control system while retaining the familiarity of an SDI routing system.
Use Case: Berklee College of Music
To remove the requirement of hired OB truck facilities, Berklee College of Music built an IP-based infrastructure into their facility based on Riedel technologies endpoints and gateways.
TSL’s X-Connect is responsible for the media flow management and real-time routing control across the multi-switch system. This allows any of BerkleeNYC's four recording studios to operate separately or share audio and video resources on larger projects.

Discover X-Connect
The multi-award winning X-Connect is a control layer that ensures all the individual pieces of a broadcaster’s audio and video kit can easily be found and managed across a network that is utilising IP media routing. The simple-to-use software can be added to any existing infrastructure as it utilises NMOS and is vendor-agnostic, making it compatible with virtually all media devices.
X-Connect marries TSL’s virtual control processor, the GTP-V1, which creates a virtual router and enables it to be connected to a control layer, such as TSL’s TallyMan. It can then be managed by the user through TSL’s renowned Virtual Panels or a range of hardware control panels, for a simplified, easy-to-use solution for IP media routing.
From an operator and engineering point of view, X-Connect resembles the workflow of the more common baseband router, but instead, it utilises IP endpoints and technology. This provides a great benefit to those who have not yet been fully trained using IP routing or are in the early stages of deploying a fully IP workflow.
Facilities can reuse legacy broadcast controllers and operator control surfaces while allowing engineers to add modern 2110 endpoints to their facility, which will:
Save money
Reuse existing skills
Maintain productivity
Increase sustainability
For greenfield or standalone 2110 systems, X-Connect can provide a complete 2110 broadcast control solution, with tally, at a much more affordable price than other 2110 control solutions.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Routing options
❌ Expensive to control
❌ Introduces a new operator workflow
❌ Has a complex deployment
✔️ Extend the life of the baseband router
✔️ Expand capacity and capabilities
✔️ Add islands for UHD or HDR Processing
✔️ Common operations workflows smooth transition
✔️ Less expensive intro to IP
✔️ Increase Sustainability
✔️ Greenfield low-cost solution with TallyMan and TMVP
✔️ Adds facilities control
✔️ Includes integrated tally